Company News

Sep24,2024 PNG TGS arrangement, China Power Construction Papua New Guinea Company and BISMILLA officially signed a cooperation agreement to build a commercial center in EPCF mode.

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·Dec 3, 2017 Damascus Mr.Yin
·On May 10, 2019, the company
·Dec 2, 2017 Damascus Mr.Yin
·On April 5, 2019, Yin Hongbi
·Dec 1, 2017 Damascus Mr.Yin
·March 29, 2019 Abidjan Engin
·Nov 29, 2017 Damascus Mr.Yin
·Mar 27, 2019, The chairman o
·Nov 27, 2017 Beijing Mr.Yin
·Mar 5,2019 Maanshan Mr.Yinho

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