中文/English 搜索 Home About TGSHK News Product Projects Case Trading Case Message Contact International Projects 首页 > Projects Case > International Projects 2014 Nigeria LOKJA Waterworks Project 发布日期: 浏览次数:1221 上一条:Leasing 500HWDPs to PDVSA in 2015. 下一条:2014 Nigeria ABUJANA cement plant 6000 tons per day 相关文章 ·Leasing a 1000hp drilling ri ·2014 Nigeria ABUJANA cement ·2014 Ethiopia rapid housing ·2013 the villa projects in E ·2013 Zambia 4000 sets of rap ·President Hongbing Yin meet ·President Hongbing Yin and S ·Impel MCC sign an EPC contra ·Sign ten drilling barges pro ·Leasing 500HWDPs to PDVSA in Adodb 事务提交失败Adodb 关闭数据库连接失败
International Projects 首页 > Projects Case > International Projects 2014 Nigeria LOKJA Waterworks Project 发布日期: 浏览次数:1221 上一条:Leasing 500HWDPs to PDVSA in 2015. 下一条:2014 Nigeria ABUJANA cement plant 6000 tons per day 相关文章 ·Leasing a 1000hp drilling ri ·2014 Nigeria ABUJANA cement ·2014 Ethiopia rapid housing ·2013 the villa projects in E ·2013 Zambia 4000 sets of rap ·President Hongbing Yin meet ·President Hongbing Yin and S ·Impel MCC sign an EPC contra ·Sign ten drilling barges pro ·Leasing 500HWDPs to PDVSA in